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Why is my canister half-full?

Is the tub half empty or half full? We like to think the latter, but always want you to feel confident in the value you're getting with our products, so this is a great question. We went to our product developers to better understand the amount of pr

Can I use these products if I am pregnant or nursing?

Generally, Ancient Nutrition supplements are safe for everyone, however we recommend that you consult your healthcare practitioner or physician during pregnancy and/or nursing before taking these supplements. Caution: As with any dietary supplement,

Do you test your products for heavy metals?

We are committed to our customers' health and well-being, which is why the safety and efficacy of our products are of utmost concern. We test finished products for heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury).

Can I give your products to my kids?

These CBD products are intended for adult use (ages 18 and up) only. And in all situations, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking.

How are Ancient Nutrition CBD products made?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is extracted from the aerial parts of the hemp plant (everything above ground including flowers and buds, but not including the roots). There are a number of ways that CBD can be extracted in order to make CBD products. Whole pla

What is the endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system is a biochemical communication system in the human body that is believed to play an important role in many cognitive and physiological processes. It wasn’t until scientists started studying cannabis more closely that they d

What is the best way to use CBD products?

The best way to use our product is to follow the directions on the label. Our CBD oils can be consumed by mouth, or by mixing into your favorite food or beverage. For the powders, we like to mix them with a warm nut milk or in a smoothie!

How much should I take?

You should always consult with your healthcare professional prior to starting any dietary or supplement routine. We recommend going slow: Start off by taking a couple of drops each day, increasing until you are taking 1 serving per day.

How do I know if this product is safe and pure?

This product reaches the standards necessary for the certification of USDA Organic, and has gone through thorough testing to ensure quality and purity. You may find a COA (Certificate of Analysis) for this product here.

What is the difference between full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate?

Full spectrum CBD means that the product features CBD and other cannabinoids that are found in the entire hemp plant. Isolated CBD means that the product has only CBD and no other cannabinoid compounds. We believe that when CBD is used with other can

Where are your farms located?

All of our hemp farms are located in the United States.  They are USDA Certified Organic and certified by state-regulated agricultural hemp programs.

Is there THC in your product?

Our CBD hemp products are full-spectrum, meaning they do offer the full array of cannabinoids in hemp, including THC levels at or below the federally-mandated 0.3% level.

What are the benefits of taking collagen?

Collagen health benefits include support for your hair, skin, nails, gut and joints. Taking a hydrolyzed collagen peptide protein powder helps make the collagen easier for the body to use and absorb, so you can better experience the benefits of colla